
Spunk Zora Neale Hurston Analysis

Decent Essays

Zora Neale Hurston was born in 1901. She was raised in Eatonville, Florida. Hurston went to Howard University and progressed on to Barnard College. Hurston’s work reflected the use of African American legends in her short stories. Hurston was a vital figure who composed stories and played during the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s and 1930s. She was committed to telling the stories of many cultures to allocate their social legacy with deference and love with an end goal to beat the unrefined stereotyping of her period. In 1925 during the Harlem Renaissance, Hurston wrote a story called “Spunk”. In the story “Spunk”, Hurston used the literary terms like character, setting, and conflict that catches the reader’s attention and made …show more content…

Hurston introduced Joe as a scrawny, small man who was afraid and scary. Joe was married to Lena but the narrator does not discuss what happened to their relationship. The reader can only assume that Joe and Lena had marital problems due to her being around another man. Joe became envious that his wife was with another man. Everyone thought that Joe could not stand up for himself. When Joe allowed Spunk to humiliate him in front of Lena, she was turned off by Joe. At first he was afraid to confront Spunk for taking his wife from him, but Joe was still in love with his wife Lena and wanted her back. After Joe heard that his wife was clinging on another man’s arm around town, he actually got the courage to confront Spunk. “Well, Ah’m goin’ after her to-day. Ah’m goin’ an’ fetch her back. Spunk’s done gone too fur.”(Joyce 1925, 502). Due to Joe being jealous and upset with Lena and Spunk’s relationship, Joe became violent towards Spunk and the guys started to fight. Joe’s goal was to get Lena back and get rid of Spunk. Joe ended up getting shot by Spunk because the author wrote, “See mah back? Mah close cut clear through. He sneaked up an’ tried to kill me from the back, but Ah got him, an’ got him good, first shot, said Spunk.” (Hurston, 1925, 504). After Joe died he started to haunt Spunk, coming back to life in a form of a bobcat. Joe wanted to get payback on Spunk because Spunk killed him and …show more content…

The conflict is exemplified very well throughout the story. The major conflict in the story was about the two main characters which are Joe Kanty and Spunk Banks, who are both in love with the same woman Lena. The story starts by stating Spunk walking around with Lena on his arms, not caring who sees him. “A giant of a brown-skinned man sauntered up the one street of the village and onto the palmetto thickets with a small pretty woman clinging lovingly to his arm.” (Hurston, 1925, 502).This quote shows him as an assertive man who does not care what people thinks of him. The people see Joe as weak and scary. A conflict aroused when Joe decided that he was going to confront Spunk to get his wife back. “ Didn’t he meet Spunk an’ Lena face to face one day las’ week an’ mumble sumthin’ to Spunk ‘bout lettin’ his wife alone?” (Hurston, 1925, 503). Joe is very upset and jealous that he lost his wife to Spunk. In the story the author wrote, “Ah like him fine but tain’t right the way he carries on wid Lena Kanty, jus’ ‘cause Joe’s timid ‘bout fightin’.” (Hurston, 1925, 503). The author showed that Joe was prepared to challenge Spunk and take back what belongs to him. Spunk and Joe fought for the love of Lena. Joe ends up getting killed with a gun by Spunk trying to get his wife back. “Well, Spunk announced calmly, Joe came out there wid a meat axe an’ made me kill him.”(Hurston, 1925,

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