
Sula And Nel Comparison

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In the novel Sula by Toni Morrison, the idea that Sula and Nel are different is proven multiple times. Throughout the entire novel, the stark contrast between Nel Wright Greene and Sula Peace is shown, starting from their childhood, when they first met. From even before the two friends had met, the difference was clear; the household that Nel lived in was overly clean and strict, while the household Sula lived in was entirely the opposite, with it being noisy, busy, and messy. As little girls, Sula and Nel create their own rules for their friendship; "In the safe harbor of each other's company they could afford to abandon the ways of other people and concentrate on their own perceptions of things” (55). However, their close friendship is tested when Sula sleeps with Nel’s husband, Jude, which stops Nel’s relationship with Jude and her friendship with Sula. During this time of their separation, the strength of their friendship appears evident. They both long to still be friends, to talk again. However, Nel sees this event as a true betrayal of friendship from Sula, while Sula sees what happened as casual and not a big deal.

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