
Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston Essay

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“Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone”-Malcolm X according to the quote you should treat everyone with respect and in the story “sweat” the author characterizes one of the main characters in the story as unrespectful and Sykes one main character could benefit from being respectful to everyone. The author of the story is Zora Neale Hurston and the story is about a hard working woman who has a husband who beats her and uses her and at the end, he is taught a lesson that you should treat people with respect because what you do to another's could be done to you. In the beginning of the story, Zora Neale Hurston characterizations Sykes as a bully to illustrate that he bullies people. I say that because on pg 1 he was trying to start an argument and is say that because he said: “ you sho is one aggravatin nigger women”. That shows that he wants her to feel bad which shows that he is verbally abusive which is a sign on a bully. Another piece of evidence is on page 1 when it talked about how talked about her and called her names and I say that because he said: “If you such a big fool dat you got to have a fit over a earthworm or string”. That piece of evidence shows that he has no respect for her because he knows that she scared for worms and snakes but does it anyway and that shows that he …show more content…

On page 12 he had been bitten by a snake and he need help and to tell that he need help it said “ she could hear in a most despairing tone.” That piece of evidence shows that he is indeed need of help and I found that out by his tone which was a despairing tone. Another piece of evidence is on page 12 when he had been bitten by the snake and he saw Delia he said: “ Delia is dat you ah heah.” That piece of evidence shows that he needs her help because he has been bitten by the snake he had used to torment

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