
Teenage Mother

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Being a Teenage Mother : The Stressing and Difficulties with a baby “Being pregnant as a teenager at the age of 15 has been difficult for me ever since. At the age of 21, I am just now finishing high school at CPCC and I also have a son who is now at the age of 6. It hasn’t been all easy. I have to balance my time with my job and child. I have faced so many difficulties with me and my son’s life.” says my cousin Alejandra. Teen pregnancy is difficult for girls because Childbearing can be painful for teenage girls, Single parenting can bring in unnecessary stress to the job of raising children, and it can bring unnecessary economic/financial issues when having a baby. Teen pregnancy is difficult for girls because of the pain. Teenage girls go through so much pain when comes to childbearing, the carrying of a baby. Teenagers have a higher chance of getting an illness or pain during pregnancy, according to Denise Mann from WebMD. Teenagers are at a higher risk of a dangerous medical condition called Preeclampsia, which is the result of high blood pressure. “Preeclampsia is a serious condition that develops during pregnancy and is potentially fatal.” (Mann,1). This means the teenage mother is at risk of this condition and there a lot more out there that can harm her. With this being the reason of her putting herself in a position of carrying a baby it exposes her to more pain or conditions which can lead into any pregnancy complications. It can be

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