
Teenage Pregnancy Essay

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“A baby with a baby?” That is what most people say, or think, when they hear about the pregnancy of an adolescent girl. Early pregnancy, commonly referred to as teenage pregnancy, is an ongoing crisis throughout the world. However, the United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the world. Since its peak in 1990, teen pregnancy rates have declined by half, but they are still fairly high. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, “roughly one in four teens girls in the U.S. will get pregnant at least once by the age of twenty” (The National Campaign 1). One could place the blame solely on the teenagers and their “raging hormones” for getting pregnant, but that is simply not the case.
Teenage …show more content…

It is not just the media that can negatively influence teenagers, but their own peers can as well. As young, inexperienced people who are still trying to find themselves, teenagers tend to copy the actions of their peers in order to fit in. When peer influence is paired with sexual competitiveness at a young age, it becomes one of the many causes of early pregnancy. For example, in a study of sexually experienced teenagers, “it was found that twenty percent initiated sexual activity because of peer pressure” (Macleod 8).
Lastly, teenage pregnancy can also occur due to coercive relationships between young girls and their sexual partners, whom are usually older men. Unfortunately, in many cases teenage pregnancy is due to the horrible act of sexual assault or rape. Girls under the age of eighteen are victims of about half of the rapes in the United States alone. For example, twenty four pregnant adolescents were surveyed and almost all of them admitted that they felt “deceived, coerced or intimidated into having sex initially, and that intercourse continued to have violent features” (Macleod 8). In addition, “federal and state surveys suggest that adult males are the fathers of some two-thirds of the babies born to teenage girls” (Shapiro 1). Adult and teen relationships are not anything new, but what drives men into pursuing young women?

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