
The Adoption Of Geneva Conventions

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Wars have been always a menace and a threat to humanity. Throughout of the ages, the noble spirited and peace loving people have tried to bring an end to the hostility and conflicts among human beings. The adoption of Geneva Conventions in 1949 was seen as a significant break though in this regard and it was hoped that human sufferings resulting from armed conflicts will be minimized to a considerable extent if not eliminated completely. Even after the passage of about eight decades of the adoption of Geneva Conventions, this dream is still far from realization. During all these years we saw different nations interpreting and using the rules of Geneva Conventions in different ways suiting their interest.
This differing practice on the part of different nations did a lot of harm to the common cause of protecting the life and well being of human beings. A major divergence from Geneva Convention rules has been seen post 9/11. The 9/11 incidents and subsequent “war on terror” gave rise to a completely new form of armed conflict which resulted in new legal challenges. As this war on terror is a non-traditional war which was almost unfamiliar by the times when Geneva Conventions were framed so, most of the rules of Geneva Conventions were focused on international armed conflicts. Traditionally, we witnessed armed conflicts in which states stood against other states but in recent decades, especially after the dawn of 21st century, these armed conflicts have become

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