
The Biggest Tax Cut Essay

Decent Essays

“Is now really the time for massive tax cuts?” The US economy is showing some impressive stats this quarter. Despite the hurricanes GDP growth is still hovering at 3% and the unemployment rate is right in the middle of the range of the natural rate of employment at 4.2% (Egan, 2017). However, Trump still believes the economy needs a large tax-cut, in fact he wants to enact “the BIGGEST tax cut” according to his Twitter (Egan, 2017). Not surprisingly, many economist disagree with Trump’s plan. The current idea Trump has is to cut the corporate tax rate by 15%, taking it from 35% to 20%. According to the Tax Policy Center estimates this plant would cut “federal revenue by $2.4 trillion over 10 years and by $3.2 trillion over the second …show more content…

In September the savings rate was 3.1%, which is the lowest it has been in the past ten year (Bartash, 2017). In fact, it was 2007 when we last saw rates this low, specifically in December when the savings rate was 3.7% (Bartash, 2017). Over the last ten years the economy has been recovering from a recession which can be interpreted from the graph in the article (Bartash, 2017). There are two instances in which savings dramatically shot up and now they are declining almost as quickly as they rose. The unemployment rate is also seeing similar results reading at a 17-year low of 4.2% (Bartash, 2017). These two rates are clues to American’s spending habits, in that they are steady. However, these spending level are not likely to increase unless consumers see a rise in their income levels. Predicting future rates is difficult at the moment with Trump’s tax plans looming overhead. Until the finalized plan is made up and released the direction of the economy is questionable. With savings reaching record low rates it can be safe to assume that investments have been on the raise. This can be a good indication of a well functioning economy since consumers feel confident enough to lower their level of savings. This is most likely linked to the decline rate of unemployment, as more people gain job security they will be less likely to be

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