
The Concept Of Happiness : Good Happiness And Happiness

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A small statue of golden glint with curved eyes, a large belly and a smile radiant as the sun was pretty much a necessity in my home. In my parents’ opinion, the smiling Buddha represents good fortune and luck. To be honest, I simply liked to smile whenever I saw the statue, as it looked pretty silly and its inanimate smile was contagious. Still, does that mean that the Buddha statue was somehow able to make me elated by just simply being there or is there something more to this strange phenomenon? Breaking down this enigma, the question would be: “What is happiness?” There may be no single answer to this inquiry, but one can create a conclusion upon various perspectives, situations and stories to respond to why a goofy looking good luck charm can bring so much joy to a little boy. In other words, happiness is the summation of multiple emotions that push to better an individual’s well-being.
Throughout various forms of media, several emotions and feelings, some contradicting each other, have been used to describe the elusive concept that is happiness. For instance, Zadie Smith frequently questions the distinctions between pleasure and joy in her article, “Joy.” In truth, she felt that joy, a seemingly positive emotion, had several drawbacks unlike pleasure which contained a ‘jolt’ of excitement. On the topic of pleasure, Wayne Davis, professor of philosophy at Georgetown University, agrees with Smith in her delineation of happiness and pleasure in his article, “Pleasure and

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