
The Fundamental Ability Of The Prefrontal Cortex

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The fundamental ability of the prefrontal cortex is to represent information not currently in the environment; its role within the temporal lobe is to create a mental sketch pad within an individuals mind (Goldman-Rakic). It regulates short term and long term decision making and helps individuals focus thoughts and houses active working memory. Due to the funtions that the prefront cortex displays, damage to this area commonly leads to multiple problems such as the inability to plan or even behaving in ways that are not seen as sociably acceptable. Individuals who have suffered damage their prefrontal cortex are oblivious to future consequences and their actions tend to be guided by immediate results (Bechara, Damasio, Damasio, & Anderson, 1994). The premotor cortex is involved in learning and executing complex movements that are guided by sensory information. Many studies suggest that the premotor cortex is involved in using arbitrary stimuli to indicate what movement should be made. The relationship between stimuli and movement are arbitrary and must be learned. For example Nowak et al (2009) found that participants would adjust the strength of their grip when picking up an object based on the colour of a dot. Once again we look at how these areas function after being damage. For example damage to the premotor cortex may result in a range of problems such as apraxia, which is the inability to carry out actions that require skill that previously could be performed.

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