
Social Media Pros And Cons

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Social media is a platform that has the ability to allow individuals from all over the world to connect to one another, and this has created an immense network for people to communicate with each other. Technology and social media have increased connectivity among people and this has lead to stronger relationships. Social media hasn’t hindered connectivity, it’s promoted it to another level, by allowing individuals to connect to people all over the world, making communicating easier, and helping maintain relationships, Firstly, the prominent factor of social media is how well it has been able to connect individuals. Often it is said that although we now are connected to everyone, we’ve never been more disconnected. Right now it’s an interesting time as technology has boomed over the past decades and has brought a new age of digital connection. We are now able to interact online, but many see this as a negative impact because we now longer meet physically. However, we should reconsider the value of being able to communicate digitally. In many cases, there are times when you can’t meet a person face to face. You could have made friends online or the friends you do have could have moved. In order to stay in touch, you have to rely on social media. The way we are connected by technology and social media has allowed us to keep in contact with people that we may have otherwise forgotten. I have a few friends where it’s been ages since I’ve seen them but I’m still able to joke

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