
The Importance Of Gentrification

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Despite many Latino’s being entrepreneurs and owning manufacturing companies, construction firms, restaurants, and real estate. Latino communities still seem to be suffering because of the lack of wealth generation. Many Hispanics have called Humboldt Park home for many years but recently that has been changing over the years. Humboldt Park used to be a primarily Hispanic neighborhood and because of the lack of wealth generation along with other factors the neighborhood has been going through gentrification. Gentrification is the arrival of wealthier people in an existing urban district which results in an increase in rents and property values, and changes in the district's character and culture. The term is often used negatively, suggesting …show more content…

But just because the numbers seem to be getting better for Latinos it does not stop the fact that there are disparities in educational quality between communities of color. Unfortunately, the education system in America doesn’t provide a condition in which all students have the same benefits and opportunities because of education inequality. The United States education system; for example, is unequal and unfair because students who live in wealthy communities like suburbs have huge advantages over students who live in poorer neighborhoods. Wealthy communities tend to have modern facilities, up to date textbooks, more extracurricular activities, better libraries, and fewer students in a classroom. Many of the public school across America especially schools that myself has attended in Chicago are falling apart while wealthy communities are building Football stadiums that their construction price is in the millions. In most latino neighborhoods educational inequalities begin in early childhood education and persist throughout the K-12 system (Rodriguez, 2017). This stops many child’s abilities to succeed in postsecondary programs. So even though more Latinos are graduating from high school it doesn’t stop the fact that many are underprepared for college and careers after high school. This means that if they attend a postsecondary institution and it does not serve them well, the wealth return on their investment in education may not be as high or may not materialize at all (Rodriguez, 2017). Tuitions also keep rising every year which means the aid provided to Latinos seems to cover less of the tuition every year. As a result, more Latino students have been forced to take out student loans or having to pay more out of pocket. Many Latino students also feel they have no choice but to stay

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