
Why Is Music Important To People

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96. PEOPLE LISTEN TO MUSIC FOR DIFFERENT REASONS AND AT DIFFERENT TIMES. WHY IS MUSIC IMPORTANT TO MANY PEOPLE? USE SPECIFIC REASONS AND EXAMPLES TO SUPPORT YOUR CHOICE. Nowadays, There are many things that people can choose to make they relax. Some people like to go to the movie theatres whereas others prefer going for a walk with friends or family members. Some people desire to go sightseeing in the country in their free time while others go shopping in their free time. Others can go fishing, cycling, camping, watching television or movies, reading, or even drawing. However, one of the most common practical ways that can make people relax is listening to music. Music is in every part of the world. It is a critical element in people’s …show more content…

Another reason is music can be benefit for people’s brain development. Music uses both sides of the brain, thus resulting in the overall development of the brain. In fact, several researches proved that the all four of the cortex's lobes are activated when the brain is involved in musical activity. In fact, during these musical tasks, even the cerebellum of the brain is activated. A musician has to constantly make decisions about the elements of music, like form, timbre, melody, etc and also tempo, tone, rhythm etc. This helps in enhancing the ability of the brain to become very good at multitasking and organizational abilities. It improves abilities of expression and enhances intelligence of a person. One more reason is that listening to music will also enhance people's creativity. Studies have proven that music can be a good way of helping your imagination goes to new heights. Listening to music as well as drawing or writing can improve their creativity. Furthermore, music can reflect the culture and history of a country. It has been an important part of many traditional occasions such as wedding, birthday, funeral, and others religion or traditional ceremony. The kind of music a person listening to can also tell where that person from and what kind of culture he is in. Above all, music is also important at

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