
The Pearl Harbor Attack

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The bombing that accrued December 7, 1941 at the Pearl Harbor navy base was the beginning of a new war for the United States. It has been about 77 years since Japan first bombed Pearl Harbor. It was the battle that caught everybody but the Japanese off guard. More than 2,400 lives’ were lost and will be remembered for their bravery. This was the event that lead to the second World War occurrence. The Pearl Harbor attack is the most heavily document event in history even though it was only two hours. Many were lost and are still remembered today for their bravery.

The pearl harbor attach was a surprise to the United States, but not to the Japan. They have had this whole attack planned out. The attack was carried out by the Japanese military …show more content…

Not even two hours later the second wave moved in. According to Samir Patel again, at 5:50 am, the first attack wave was with 183 planes began take off. The First attack wave strike was at the Naval Air station. This surprise attack left the U.S. army unprepared and defenseless. In a book by Victor George he said that “Early on a Sunday morning in Hawaii, carrier-based Japanese planes struck, catching U.S. Army and Navy forces unprepared. Army antiaircraft guns were not manned. Planes were destroyed before they could take off. Trapped in Pearl Harbor, much of the Pacific Fleet, including most of its battleships, was destroyed. The port was left a wreck, clogged with sunken warships. Jenny Arena said that “To say that Pearl Harbor was a complete surprise, as most history books do, does not take into account the complex history and relationships between the U.S. and Japan leading up to the attack. Within the two attacks, the Japanese only lost a total of twenty-nine aircrafts. The war with Japan was not a surprise, but the location and nature of the first strike was.” Like I said above, the Japanese and United States were at “Peace.” Well at least that is what the Japanese wanted the US to think. No one can really say what the Japanese were thinking before and during the attack. During that time period a lot was going on. These first were just an add to the problems and wars going

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