
The Power Of Power In The Handmaid's Tale

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In the novel, society is taken over by a religious group. This group repurposes what is believed to be the United States of America, because of dangerously low reproduction rates. Everyone is constantly overpowered, manipulated, and forced into conforming to this new society in place that will ideally increase the population to an appropriate number. Even though The Handmaid’s Tale was written in 1986 people are still being controlled by society. It is important for American People to understand that society manipulates and deceives us because using power to control people takes away your freedom. 1) Only people with power take over In The Handmaid’s Tale, this society called Gilead is ran by a religious group who remain unnamed. The Commanders are at the highest point in the hierarchy and helped form this society. As Offred describes the guardians who are there to watch them as they walk around in the city she says, “if they are able to gain enough power and live to be old enough, of being allotted a Handmaid of their own” (Atwood 22). This suggests that in order to be a commander you have to be of a certain age and have power. In the real world, the only way you get what you want done in society is having power. In the Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Charles Smith writes, “The relationship between government parties and their donors has long been a problem, as rivers of money fill party coffers through cash-for-access events or directly through campaign contributions”. The donors

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