
The Pros And Cons Of Food Consumption

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Generally, price is a tactful factor that influences the food choice of an individual (Furst et al. 1996). Besides, it is also defined as a money payment process for a certain product where value gained is associated with the perceived profit of getting a product (Kotler 2008). As stated by (Kavitha, Souji & Prabhu 2011), level of income of an individual will decide and restrict one’s food choice. The personal income of an individual determines purchasing power of individual that the price of the product is closely associated with.
Furthermore, traditional foods sold in “Kopi-tiams” (traditional coffee shops) in Penang are associated with “cheap but tasty” (Helland 2008). Hence, as the main target of this study is the millennials, it has been found out that majority of them are spending a lot on pricey beverages and to restaurants (Tulp 2017).

2.4 Ethical Concern
In the past 10 years, consumers that is concerned about ethical issues emerged whom they would directly link with product being consumed and the social problem itself. The social issues being concerned mainly consists of environmental matters, anima welfare, conditions of working labour in third world countries and human rights (Tallontire, Rentsendorj & Blowfield 2001). Ethical consumers would have the responsibility towards the society (De Pelsmacker, Driesen & Rayp 2003).

2.5 Convenience
According to terms definitions, convenience could be defined as a state that a person able to ease effort or put in

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