
The Rocking-Horse Winner Family

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Every person grows up with a different family dynamic. Some people grow up in houses of extreme poverty while others experience the life of wealth. Other children unfortunately grow up in abusive houses while some live with very living parents. These are all interesting dynamics, and something every child can relate to. The short story The Rocking Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence is aa story that describes a family who lives in poverty. This story is very interesting and often told in the form of third point of view. This story is about a younger boy who lives in a family with very little money. He often questions their lack of money and even goes as far as to try and help. His actions can also be seen as very noble and selfless. Unfortunately, …show more content…

Lawrence is Bassett, or the family gardener. This man truly meant well and had good intentions on trying to help not only this boy but this family. He never stole the money from the boy or the family, but simply stored it for him so it was safe. Unfortunately, this kind act was something that also lead to the death of Paul. Had Bassett not begun to help Paul and even support his obsession with gambling, then he may have been able to survive. “Bassett, the young gardener who had been wounded in the left foot in the war… He lived in racing events, and the small boy lived with him,” (Pg. 1250). This man was also at the roots of the obsession that would soon take the life of young Paul. Had Bassett never assisted the boy in betting and gambling on horse races, the boy would have never begun. While Bassett truly had a kind soul to the young boy, the young boy took on this gambling because of …show more content…

Lawrence. His mother was someone who would always complain and talk about the fact that there was no money in the family. Bassett was also someone who had a very large influence on Paul and his gambling habits. Finally, Uncle Oscar was also someone who had a large influence on Paul and even helped him come to and make the final decisions in his life that would ultimately be the end. Money was something that really had a large influence on Paul and how he made his decisions. Because these people and their influence on money, Paul eventually met his end because of his desires to please these

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