
The Role Of Proteins Of A Cell Range From Structural, Enzymatic And Hormonal Functions

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The DNA encodes specific characteristics of an organism which breaks down into genes. The genes goes through a transcription process. Transcription is where the language of the body 's building blocks is transcribed from DNA to RNA and the body will recognize it so it can carry out the next process. Translation of the information collected from RNA is the next step. The information collected is transported to the protein. Certain proteins play specific roles so the body synthesizes the right protein for the specific job at certain time.
Production of proteins is one of the most significant processes taking place in the cell. The role of proteins in a cell range from structural, enzymatic and hormonal functions. DNA is responsible for …show more content…

The double spiral of DNA unwinds and unzips in such a way to release the instructions located for the given protein. Consequently, the instructions are carried out of the nucleus to the ribosomes. This point of location of the DNA molecule is called a gene. Genes act as a pattern for another type of nucleic acid called RNA. Instead of a thymine as in DNA, each adenine of the unzipped DNA attracts a uracil, U. The other bases follow the same pattern as in DNA i.e., G, T, and C attract the same partners C, A and G. The single chain of nucleotides which is newly formed is called messenger RNA and its formation is called as transcription. mRNA carries an exact duplicate of the information recorded in the DNA and leaves the nucleus with the instructions. The mRNA molecules are attracted to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Another smaller kind of RNA molecules called transfer RNA (tRNA.) also is there in the cytoplasm. Only one kind of amino acid can be attached to one end of a tRNA molecule while the other end carries a distinctive tag to identify it. The strand of mRNA lines up at the ribosome and the base pairs are attracted to their partners again. The attraction between the mRNA and the tRNA compliments each other. A triplet sequence of mRNA transcript codes for a specific amino acid and the sequence is called a codon. A corresponding triplet sequence on the transfer RNA (tRNA) called as

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