
Summary: Theories Of Motivation

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Motivation is defined as an act or process that inspires and stimulates a person to be an effort to achieve a goal. It not only puts employees in act, but also makes them feel interesting with their job. As a result, most of employees are feeling satisfaction with their job, becoming creativity, innovation and productivity as well. However, to successful in motivating the staff is required an appropriate method that meets with all staff’s need. Otherwise, it is seems to useless in driving the employees. Specifically, there are many theories of motivation referred such as the theory of Abraham Maslow (the hierarchy of needs), Frederick Herzberg (the motivation-maintenance model), B.F Skinner (the reinforcement), Victor Vroom (the expectancy), Stacy Adams (the equity), Madeline Hunter (the intrinsic/extrinsic). In personal, I prefer to the theory of intrinsic/extrinsic as the best theory which be applied in order to generate a motivation in the company.
The first early theory of motivation was the Hierarchy of needs which developed by Maslow. It announced that the human needs are consist of five types that developed in the order from low to high. It included the physiologic needs (foods, clothing, waster, shelter, homeostasis), the safety needs (job security, stability, freedom, fear and anxiety free), the belonging needs (need to be with other, social, or communicate), the status and self-esteem needs (need to be recognized, respected, and trust), and the highest level was

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