
The United States And Iowa

Decent Essays

History is a subject that can define a person’s heritage. Each one is different, but can have a few similarities. Each person’s history can explain where their family originated, the culture that they are originally from, the struggles that their family encountered, and so much more. But the most important thing that a person’s history can show, is how they ended up where they are today. My family’s history is unique in its own way. Both sides of my family originated in the larger populated city in Northern Germany, known as Hamburg. Anticipating the new German power, known as the Nazi’s, both sides fled the upcoming hardships and financial crisis. Although they had different occupations and did not know each other, for some unforeseen reason, they both immigrated to the United States of America. When they ended up in Ellis Island, both sides chose to farm as their new lifestyle in a small town of Rock Rapids, Iowa along with other German families. The journey to the United States and Iowa was a tough one for both families. They did not know others around them and had a difficult time interacting with the people around them due to language and cultural barriers. As the Nazi’s came into power, both families started to experience harder times due to their German heritage. The pending war, caused many Americans to mistreat and call both families Nazi’s. Being one of the few German families in this exceptionally small town, both families became close friends. They were able

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