
Theme Of Revenge In Hamlet

Decent Essays

Ojea Quintana 1
Lucas Ojea Quintana
Mr. Sather
AP English 3: Section 1
23 October 2017
The Delay of Revenge Shakespeare’s Tragedy Hamlet, demonstrates how humans have to answer one question throughout their life, “To be, or not to be.” This question can apply to anything and anyone and asks if a person should act or not. The ghost is a character who rarely appears, but offers Hamlet the significant life long question, Hamlet must answer. Throughout the play Hamlet wonders if he should kill Claudius or not which is the basis of the question, to be or not to be. Hamlet does not successfully answer that question and he does not act when he should, which ends up killing him. The ghost affects the theme of revenge because he calls upon Hamlet to avenge him and Hamlet’s legacy. Although deeply sorrowed by his father’s death, Hamlet did not consider payback as an option until he meets with the ghost of his “father.” The ghost tells Hamlet King Claudius, his own brother, murdered him. Then the ghost tells Hamlet to “revenge his foul and most unnatural murder?” (I.v.25). Although murder was an acceptable form of revenge in Hamlet’s time he is uncertain about killing Claudius. However, upon his father's command, Hamlet reluctantly swears to get revenge against Claudius. Hamlet does this not because he wants to, but because his father makes it clear that it is his duty as a son, and so Hamlet should not disappoint his “perfect” father. Hamlet promises to prove his love and duty by killing Claudius.
Ojea Quintana 2 The idea of revenge is illustrated in many ways throughout the play. The appearance of the ghost introduces appearance versus reality. When Claudius is at prayer, Hamlet had a perfect opportunity to kill him but he did not want revenge for just punishment in his life, he wanted revenge for punishment for eternity. Hamlet thinks that killing Claudius in his state of purity “do this same villain send /To heaven. /Why, this is hire and salary, not revenge!” (III.iii.76) will make Claudius go to heaven which is much more than he deserves. Yet another change I’m Hamlet’s character, changing from not even thinking about killing Claudius at the start of the play too making sure

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