
Traumatic Brain Injury Research Paper

Decent Essays

Traumatic Brain Injury Every single day we are susceptible to traumatic brain injury. Traumatic brain injury (or TBI) can be caused by everyday activities such as driving to school or participating in sports. TBI occurs when an external force causes trauma to the brain. This includes getting struck in the head by an object, falling or being shaken violently. It causes damage to parts of the brain that conduct essential functions causing life changing results. However, TBI can be prevented by using precautions while conducting everyday activities that can cause trauma to the brain. As college students we take part in several daily activities that can lead to traumatic brain injury such as driving to school, walking around campus, participating …show more content…

Brain function is essential for your whole body to function properly. It is important to know these functions and what they do in order to understand how TBI affects these parts of the brain. The front of the brain is known as the Forebrain. The forebrain is the largest part of the brain and it contains the thalamus, hypothalamus and limbic system. The thalamus acts as the sensory relay center of the brain and is responsible for directing signals to the correct areas. It receives all sensory inputs except for smell. The hypothalamus governs drives such as sex, aggression and hunger. The limbic system is a group of structures that are involved with emotions, drives and memory. The midbrain contains structures that are used for coordinated movement, sleep and arousal. It contains the reticular formation and if it becomes damaged you wouldn’t be alert or possibly not even conscious. The hindbrain contains the medulla, pons and cerebellum and is located at the back of the brain. The medulla is responsible for respiration and heartbeat, two necessary functions needed to survive. Pons are involved in movement, sleeping, waking up and dreaming. The cerebellum coordinates balance and muscle …show more content…

“It plays such a vital role in human life that many consider it the essence of life.”(Huffman 70) It contains the frontal lobes, parietal lobes, the occipital lobes and temporal lobes. The Frontal lobes receive signals from the other lobes such as motor control, speech production and other higher functions. The parietal lobes Receive signals for bodily sensations and interpret them. The occipital lobes are responsible for vision. The temporal lobes are responsible for hearing, language, memory and some emotion. All of these parts of the brain conduct essential bodily functions and need to be functioning properly like a

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