
Type of Organisational Structure and Purpose of Tesco and Oxfam

Decent Essays

Year 12 Business
P3 Unit 1 – The Business Environment
Tesco and Oxfam are both huge global businesses who both sell products to the general public however are organised completely different. In this leaflet I will compare and contrast organisational structures of both companies.
Type of organisational structure and purpose of Tesco and Oxfam Part A
Tesco organisational structure is hierarchical. A hierarchical structure has many levels. Each level is controlled by one person. Hierarchical companies tend to be a very big company just like Tesco is. In a hierarchical instructions are generally passed down from one person to another until it gets to the bottom of the hierarchical structure. If there was a problem in a hierarchical …show more content…

As Karen Brown is the chair person she goes at the top as she is the head of the company and in charge of all functional areas and makes all the main decisions within the business. She has help from the vice chair and the trustees who accompany Karen in running the charity. Members of the company are called the Oxfam association. This means that they are placed under the honorary treasurer, manager, and executive director. The members are appointed by the Council and ratified by the Association. The people at the bottom of the chart are the managers of each of the functional area, they are in charge of everything that goes on in that area. Trustees are really important within Oxfam as they are responsible for everything that Oxfam does and what it achieves.

Sir Richard

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