
Stakeholders Who Influence the Purpose of Tesco Plc and Bonzers Farm

Decent Essays

RE: Stakeholders who influence the purpose of Tesco Plc and Bonzers Farm
This report investigates the different stakeholders involved in influencing the purpose of Britain’s largest retailer Tesco Plc, this will then be compared to Bonzers Farm, which is a successful local business providing fresh produce. In this report we will get to distinguish key stakeholders in both businesses, and their relevance and the part which the play within that business. I will then conclude my report by discussing conflicts of interest and the interdependencies with those stakeholders.
Stakeholders are people that have an interest in the success of business and play a role in the survival of that business. They tend to submit monthly amounts of money …show more content…

Their goods have to be of a high quality (depending on price) for customer demand to continue or increase and for customer loyalty. If quality drops that will have to be reflected by the price, if not then the Tesco may have to consider getting new suppliers, this means loss of income for the current supplier and job uncertainty.

The government is also a stakeholder as it is interested in the success of Tesco Plc as all businesses have to pay taxes, so the more profit they business turns in the more taxes is has to pay, if the business fails then workers are make unemployed and as a result may go and ask for government unemployment benefits such as Jobseekers Allowance.

Local community can also be considered as a stakeholder as it may be interested in the success of that business to create jobs for people living locally. A new Tesco store would be seen as a great opportunity for local jobs as it would require hundreds of staff with not much experience or qualifications. Bonzers Farm may be less welcomed as it only required a small number of staff and experience in the farm may be needed. If a business like Tesco fails then it’s likely that the whole community is affected due to job loss and will lose the ability to provide a needed service to the locals. If Bonzers Farm fail this will also affect the local community as it supplies local business, so it closes then those local business will need

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