
Tesco Internal And External Stakeholders Essay

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A stakeholder is a person or a group of individual who are interested in the success of a business in delivering successful results and maintaining the activity of the businesses products and services. There are internal and external stakeholders in every company. An internal stakeholder is someone who is internally connected to the business that have personal interests which they may follow. An external stakeholder can be a person or a group of people such as investors, customers, suppliers, people who are predisposed by the business but are not fully in the business.

Tesco's have different stakeholders who effect the business. One of their stakeholders are the customers, because these are the people who buy from Tesco …show more content…

Tesco's suppliers provide them goods for their stores in order to sell which is really important, because without them Tesco would not have anything to sell. Tesco make sure to have good quality suppliers who can offer better stock than their competitors. Suppliers help Tesco because it deliver them with the stock for their company to run and be successful, also Tesco helps their suppliers by providing them money because they have large unpackaged orders at a time and also the suppliers will achieve good name because they supply their goods to Tesco and this is a successful high-street.

Also the managers are also stakeholders, because they cope the salaries and also the performance of Tesco. The standards of the business need to be achieved efficiently all the time in order to make sure Tesco be successful. The managers run the staff and make sure the name of the business is respectable by having good customer service. If they do not do their job properly, then something may could go wrong or not be able to make enough profit and in this way Tesco will not be efficient because of this the managers have a big importance on Tesco.
The employees who work in the Tesco stores have also a very big impact on Tesco because they are fundamental because they represent Tesco when people come into the store. They have a huge part in tempting customers to repeat purchase because if they are well-mannered and helpful to customers so in his way

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