
D1 Evaluate the Influence Different Stakeholders Exert in One Organisation

Decent Essays

I am going to evaluate the influence that stakeholders exert on Tesco. I will be evaluating the following stakeholders: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, the government and owners.

The first stakeholder I am going to evaluate is customers which are external stakeholders. Customers contribute to profit levels and turnover through buying products and services. People are stakeholders in a company for financial reasons, customers do not want to have to spend an excessive amount of money to purchase a product, so if the product is cheaper in one store, such as Tesco, than in another store then customers will buy the cheaper one which then attracts more customers.

An organisation survives through customer loyalty i.e. …show more content…

A shareholder in a limited company is not personally responsible for any of the debts of Tesco, other than for the value of his investment in Tesco. Although a shareholder's liability for Tesco's actions is limited, the shareholder may still be liable for its own acts. For example, the directors of small companies, who are frequently also shareholders, are often required to give personal guarantees of the company's debts to those lending to the company. They will then be liable for those debts in the event that the company cannot pay, although the other shareholders will not be so liable.

The fourth stakeholder I am going to evaluate is suppliers which are external stakeholders. Stock managers have trusted suppliers to supply them with the products they need to sell. The suppliers should provide the products on time, however if not then stock managers will find new suppliers that are better than the ones they had previously.

If stock managers and suppliers have a good relationship with one another then they would be happy to work with each other which means stock managers will have a reliable source of supplies and suppliers will have a reliable source of income. If suppliers are happy then they will be more motivated to help the business to achieve success and help the business run effectively.

Suppliers must supply the stock managers with good quality products. If however the products are bad quality

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