
What Is The Reasons For The Success Of Two Contrasting Business

Good Essays

D1: Evaluate the reasons for the success of two contrasting businesses, reflecting on evidence gathered.

In this task I am going to show how each stakeholder has affected Tesco in a positive way and in a negative way. Tesco is a British national grocery which has many supermarkets all over the United Kingdom and other countries including china and Poland. Tesco has around 7 thousand stores around the world reaching over 560 thousand employees hired.
Stakeholders are the people who matter to a system. Stakeholder power analysis is a tool which helps understanding of how people affect policies and institutions, and how policies and institutions affect people. It is particularly useful in identifying the winners and losers and in highlighting the challenges that need to be faced to change behaviour, develop capabilities and tackle inequalities.
Tesco are committed to having a constructive dialogue with stakeholders to ensure that they understand what is important to stake holder and allow their selves the opportunity to present their position. Engagement helps them to identify new risks and opportunities to ensure that their long-term strategy is sustainable. In some instances, they find that working with stakeholders in partnership can help deliver shared goals. They might not be able to satisfy all stakeholder concerns all the time but through engagement they can do their best to balance competing demands. Tesco knows that customers need to be able to trust their business

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