
What Are The Advantages Of The North And South Civil War

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Advantages Essay From 1861 to 1865, the United States of America was fighting itself. The northern part of the United States, known as the Union or simply the North, was trying to end slavery in the southern part of the United States. The South seceded from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America. The North consisted of Maine, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, California, Nevada, and Oregon. The South consisted of Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. The North wanted slavery to be abolished, but the South needed slaves for their economy; the conflict started war. The North and the South were both prepared for war. The North and the South were prepared to fight a war because of the political advantages each side possessed. The North had an advantage because they had an established, working government. The South had to create a new government after they seceded from the Union. The North’s government had over seventy years to fix any problems in their government. The South also had a political advantage; they were defending their land. This gives the South …show more content…

I personally think that the North war more prepared for the Civil War. Since they were using technology and machines, they were very self-sufficient and didn’t rely on questionable resources; they were moving forward and improving. The South wasn’t industrialized and relied on farming for most of their profits. The South also needed slaves in order to profit from agriculture, and I think this put them at a disadvantage. If another Civil War were to spark tomorrow, do you think the North and the South would be prepared; which side would be more

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