
What Are The Factors That Affect Academic Achievement

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Many people wonder about the factors that play a vital role in the Academic Achievement of a Person, come to think of it there are quite a few factors that are essential for an academically successful life, they can be Parental Influence, Student motivation, Peer Effect, the geographical location or health, all of the above-mentioned factors can be crucial in a student academic life, but we may say that Parental Influence and Student Motivation are the most important ones. Adolescence is the time in which a child is going through the period of growth, this is the time when parental influence is all that matters because whatever the child sees or hears is going to shape his way of thinking, continuous support from parents play a pivotal role in academic achievement. Student Motivation can be categorized as the second most important factor in the academic achievement of a child, without motivation no one has ever been able to do anything that really matters because motivation in a person arises when the person really wants to do something to achieve something that matters, be excellent in academics. Let's talk about the influence of parents on the academic achievement of a child. Come to think of it parents can either provide the child with a positive influence or a negative influence, it solely depends on the parents. Some studies show that students spend a small portion of time in schools, while there may be no doubt that school is the most important provider

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