
What Are The Similarities Between Han China And Rome

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Two of the most feared and Powerful ancient Empires, The Han and the Ancient Roman Empire are considered some of the greatest of all time. While the Han Empire may not be as popular as Ancient Rome, in Western Civilization, both have made an impact on today’s societies. While the government and the decline of the two are the biggest similarities, while the social construct of the two are the main differences. The Han Dynasty went from 206BCE to 220 CE, and Ancient Rome went from 753BCE to 476CE. Both of the governments were ruled by Emperors, which gave little power to the people. The emperors had absolute power within the two, which meant the citizens had no power in politics. The military of the two were also very similar, both focused on expansion. The main goal of each government was to expand, this would ultimately lead to the decline of both. While some would say that the technology created by the two are their greatest similarities, this is false because while both were technologically advanced, they used their technology for different reason, for example, Rome created aqueducts for their cities and Han invented things such as crossbows to fight in battles. …show more content…

In Ancient Rome, slaves were allowed, slaves were a thing. In Rome, Slaves had no rights, they had no power, no voice, and slaves were property in Rome. Whereas in Han, there was no such thing as slaves, people had servants that would work for them, but no one was owned. Another large factor socially, is that in Han, everybody spoke the same language, and had the same faiths, while in Rome, people were spread out and found different ways to communicate. People would say that the biggest difference is in the size, but that is false, because Han may look larger, for the main reason that Rome is spread out, but both are almost equal in

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