
What Are The Similarities Between The Han And Roman Empire

Satisfactory Essays

Thesis Statement

This is about Han and Roman Empire. This argument is saying that the Romans were more powerful than the Han Empire based on its military system. This will be coming from the Han's prospective from 206 B.C to 220 B.C. Also talking from the Roman Empire's point of view from14 C.E to 330 C.E. There will be similarities in this paper but mostly differences because these are two totally different cultures. The reason for picking the Romans is because the Han's constantly deployed soldiers year round, even getting soldiers that we not Chinese that lived on the border. Having the advantage of speed and size the Han's had the advantage of taking over all of China. The ability of having these advantages of speed and size gives the Han military of taking over the feudal power structure of other Chinese states.2 But the Roman empire their cavalry would be arranged in columns which will cover more space. The general will also assign his lightened-armed troops which were javelin throwers, bowman, and slingers in the front. If not placed in the front the lightened-armed troops would actually do more damage to the phalanx than the enemy. The heavy-armed troops would be in the back having the ability to shoot and aim high in the air and being able to hit the enemy and not the phalanx.1 …show more content…

Accessed September 30, 2016.*.htm

2.Hallenbrook, Christopher. "The Qin and Han Dynasties: The Flexibility and Adaptability of Military Force and Expansion." Accessed September 30, 2016.

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