
What Is Bi-Erasure?

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What Is Bi-erasure? Oh Wait, You Wouldn't Know!

In a world where we can build kidneys from stem cells or connect to the internet via your watch: why is bisexuality forgotten about? The phrase bi-erasure is one that you may not know but believe me it is one you definitely should know. Bi-erasure is defined as the tendency to ignore, remove, falsify, or re-explain evidence of bisexuality in history, academia, news, media and other primary sources. The world seems to be celebrating the death of homophobia because America made same sex marriage legal in all 50 states, but this is not the case. Homophobia is still very present in society but more than homophobia its biphobia. Biphobia is intense hatred, fear or aversion towards bisexuals or …show more content…

Many people think that bisexuals are promiscuous and more likely to cheat just because they like more than one gender, but this is so wrong; it's a persons personal beliefs that will make them cheat not their sexuality and it is damaging because it makes bisexuals feel ashamed about their sexuality, many people that are cheated on by a partner that is bisexual blames the bisexuality and not that person and this is biphobic. There is also the myth that bisexuals are confused and it’s a phase which is wrong because they know they like more than one gender it is why they identify as bisexual this leads to bi-erasure because the people that say these things don’t believe that bisexuality exists. This is mainly due to people not understanding …show more content…

Bi-erasure is so harmful because it attacks all that bisexual people believe in like the media, law and gay pride. Another thing bisexuals have to deal with is that bisexuals are the least supported and least served minority group within the entire LGBT community with just .01 % of all LGBT funding directed toward bisexual projects or programs since 1970. More than bisexuals not being supported research suggests that bisexuals suffer worse mental health than heterosexuals, lesbians, and gay men. Bisexuals have higher rates of suicide, self harm, mood disorders and depression than any other sexuality and one common reason for this is how tough it is to be an "out" bisexual in todays society.This is one of the biggest factors as to why bi-erasure is so harmful to people. Our culture is so unaccepting of difference and this could be why people take part in bi-erasure however that does not excuse

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