
Why Engineering Is The Career Best For A Friend With School Projects Essay

Decent Essays

I always wanted to get my hands working, whether it be playing with Legos, building computers, or just helping a friend with school projects. I enjoy creating and designing the next best thing or improvements on existing products. These qualities points to engineering as the career best suited for my interest, with mechanical engineering being the field perfect for my skill sets. However, this career is not a full proof plan. Just like any other profession, it has some downsides and problems. Some problems in this field include: a shortage of engineers, lack of proper education, and jobs being lost to robots. These problems can get worse in time as the population rises and as technology advances. Even though we live in a world of technology run by engineers and mathematicians, we do not have as many engineers as we need. One reason we can look at is the lack of motivation that an engineering undergrad is facing. “A major contributor to the lack of student interest can be attributed to the inability of existing STEM teaching techniques to relate STEM concepts to the real world” (Caglar, Aniruddha, Shashank). This means that the techniques being used to teach engineering is not related to the actual real world lessons engineers have to know. It can get confusing and boring to the students knowing that the courses they are taking have nothing to do with what they are actually going to do. Thus, it leads to more dropouts and more transfers. “The United States faces an

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