
Why Online School Should Not Happen

Decent Essays

The new experimental online school should not happen. The reasons why this is a bad idea is because students will never meet face-to-face, they will not have the traditional high school experience, and this will allow technology to control every aspect of our lives. Already, tons of people are constantly on there phones and on their computers. They are so consumed by their technology they can not create memories or socialize naturally. The state department of education should reconsider their ideas for the following reasons.

The first reason why this online school is a bad idea is because students will never meet their peers face-to-face. Which causes the problem for students to not develop the social skills they need for their education. They will have trouble with talking to a person and having a conversation with them. The reason why students need social skills is because when they grow up looking for a job they will need to know how to talk in an interview and have a normal conversation with their boss. Managers are looking for people to work with and talk to. There are even some jobs where it requires to provide customer service and have a discussion with people. That is why social skills are important to a student and why online school will damage this. …show more content…

High School is a clinical period in peoples lives they will either remember forever, or try to forget. Again, during high school, students experience relationships, trends, sports, clubs, dances, student council, lunch, detention, etc. So many things to do and experience in the traditional high school that online schooling can not provide for the students. This is clearly a major issue that online schooling will have and why the idea should be

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