
Why Was The Scientific Revolution Important

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The scientific revolution was the most important of all revolutions for more reasons than one. The first being that it has enlightened us to why things work. Also everyone now believes in and gives credit to science. Also even now everyday our lives are always being shaped by science. Without it we would not even be close to where we are now in life. People are now able to know why things work which was never possible before the scientific revolution. Copernicus taught us to fight back to nonbelievers. He’s the reason the change in belief started, he is why we now search for answers. Galileo Galilee is why we know we go around the sun, but more importantly, he is also the reason we went to the moon. Also we would never have been able to …show more content…

While religion is still believed by many, there are approximately 4,200 religions, and about 7% of adults do not believe in any God.That means that religion can not be fact, as it has such minimal uniformity, and simply there is also no way to prove that it is real, as you can not follow the scientific method However, I can’t think of a single person that would not believe in science, as the research done from scientist follows the scientific method, and can be proven and redone to result in the same results as before. While some people do not believe in specific scientific events, such as the theory of evolution, or man made climate change, everyone believes that most of the science performed is real and legitimate. Also, the fact that people now believe anything that is presented as a scientific study, completely opposite to that of the times when the scientific revolution originally occurred, back then you could have mounds and mounds of evidence and almost nobody would have believed you. The reason ties into the fact that now, not nearly as many people would believe everything the church said, and accept it as fact. People now would fearlessly rebut against the church. The scientists were the first to tell the church that it was wrong. This all leads to the question that if they hadn’t done it, would anyone ever do

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