
Will GMO Foods Help People In The Nation?

Decent Essays

GMO foods can protect anyone who eats them from disease and famine. GMO food products are manufactured to give the consumer a healthier option for buying groceries, assist the economy, and benefitting the producer by using less time to try meeting demands. In fact, the consumer and the producer benefit from costs being low, and supply meeting demand. Citizens obtain what they desire, at a low price, with improved flavor and disease prevention. The essay will demonstrate many ways on how crops that are genetically modified help all people in the nation. First, crops and farm produce without disease conveniences the consumer significantly. Without disease, hospitals will have less patients with food illnesses. Considering hospitals will have less patrons, doctors and nurses will have less …show more content…

If more people buy farm produce over time, the health of people increase, as well as the economy. In fact, the U.S. economy will accommodate less inflation if GMO foods are produced. Due to inflation being low, the supply is equal with the demand if farmers can meet consumer requests. Therefore, the consumer will have what is wanted or needed with little effort needed from the producers and distributors. Flavor of crops can benefit the economy, and even the well being of society. Lastly, genetically modified food can decrease costs for citizens due to technological advances. Foods that are modified to require less pesticides increase production significantly. When a farmer or producer needs less of a supply of herbicides to support plant life, the producer uses less time on individual plants and more time is spent making as much of the product as possible. In fact, new biological and agricultural technologies have driven the price of crops down because they have made plants easier to take care of and distribute. As a result, the consumer gets exactly what they want, and with cheaper

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