
Women Registering In The Military Essay

Decent Essays

There is no active draft set in place in the United States. A group called the Selective Service System administers the draft of the United States. The United States initiated the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, which made it mandatory for all men, ages 21 through 25 to register for the SSS. The question as to why it is mandatory for men to register for the draft has arisen over the years, and the answer is basically historical. However, times have changed and we live in a world where both men and women are able to serve in the United States military. The acceptance of woman into the U.S military began in the late 20th century, where it was proved that women can serve as effective combat troops. Recently, in today’s news the topic of women registering for the SSS has been brought up. Although I agree with equal …show more content…

Dual military couples were required to have a family care plan set in place in case of one or both parents needed to participate in a field exercise or a deployment. A family care plan was a contract stating an individual as a care provider for the children when the military requires the service members to have to leave for a long period of time. Although many perceive the U.S. military as a family oriented organization, that is certainly not the case. In the military the mission always comes first. Whether it is going on deployment, staying late for work or participating in a field exercise. The mission is always first. If women that voluntarily join the military to serve their country struggle to find reliable people to care for their children while being deploy, making it mandatory for women to register for the SSS would be a nightmare. Women are gifted with carrying and giving birth to a human being which forms such a great bond, requiring women to give the right up of raising their children is

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