
A Research On Family Therapy

Decent Essays

Family therapy has many advantages, but should not be a blanket strategy in helping clients. In researching the purpose of family therapy, and it’s history in helping people, it has a significant place in bringing healing to both individuals and families. Nevertheless, it comes with its own set of risks and issues. In this discussion, the purpose is to work through some of the general advantages and disadvantages of using family therapy, while also looking at the experience needed and role of a counselor in family therapy. Finally, we will discuss the potential challenges I will face in doing family therapy.
To begin with, one of the primary advantages of family therapy is its ability to help deal with not only an individual’s issue, but the environment which may be creating or sustaining this issues. Alfred Adler talks about a propensity for external forces to significantly impact a person’s personality (Neukrug, 2016). If thoughtfully considered, this makes sense. Every person seems to be informed in a significant way by his or her surroundings. People born into a hard working family would seem to grow up with a tendency to work harder, because this was modeled for them. Moreover, a person born into a neglectful home would grow up with certain issues and tendencies because of this upbringing. Family therapy appears to help in addressing one of the most significant environments which form human beings. In family therapy, a person can find healing not only for their

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