
A Task Force

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A task force was formed to examine issues surrounding null hypothesis significance testing and the publication of research studies regarding these results. As a result of this task force, recommendations were made to revise statistical sections of the APA publication manual. But before these revisions were implemented, the Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA) recommended to initiate discussion of these changes, the task force publish an article in American Psychologist, hence this article. I will break down these suggestions in methods, results and discussion. METHODS It is important in the design portion that the researcher is very clear and concise on the type of study they are conducting, and making it clear if there are multiple goals. By making the design section clear and concise, there is no question on what the researchers are trying to accomplish and what their goals are. Defining a population is critical to any conclusions in an article. The definition of the population, including any control groups, of the study must be clear and concise, including the characteristics, which can affect the interpretation of the data. Within the population we have the sample, the procedures of which need to be clear and concise as well, including all relevant information. If the data is clustered or stratified, as opposed to random samples, we must include that information as it will affect interval estimates. Sample size can be critical to the results of a study, to it is important

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