
Advantages And Assignment: The History Of Total Quality Management

Decent Essays

“Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it, it’s what the client or customer gets out of it.” (Peter Drucker). This quote is briefly suggesting that quality of a product is usually the aftermath that a customer gets from the tangible good; this pops the following question: how to generate a positive aftermath that will lead to a positive word of mouth? The History of total quality management was described by Japanese-style management of quality improvements. JC Penney was the first person who offered the reputation of Total Quality Management in the year 1913; he also contributed and planned many principles such as purchaser satisfaction, quality, fair, worth, related exercise and rewards for performance. JC thinks …show more content…

• Fish Bone a method it is the most efficient method in which it briefly explains the problem and generates much alternatives
• Check lists contains like small boxes in which you can check what you have done and what is left it will be effective to let people know what is left for them and what is already done.
Total quality management has two sides hard and soft. The hard is considered as old paradigm of management command and control working units referring to quality they remark to meet specifications that are in products to make adjustments among quality, cost and schedule. Measurements: its aim only to focus on the internal trials of productivity and profitability. It doesn’t matter if they are linked to customers and competitiveness. Control they care only for scoring, reporting the events and evaluating profits.

The soft is considered the new paradigm of management empowerment of employees and giving authorities as well. Quality focuses on customer’s value managed into process which seeks collaborations among quality costs and schedule. The measures are all inter connected to customer values and satisfactions. Control the basic study of it seeking for variations to understand the major

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