
Analysis Of The Last Duchess Of Ferrara

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The Last Duchess of Ferrara was the Duke’s ex-wife. She was a woman of compassion, modesty, and she loved the simple things of life. In contrast, the Duke was an arrogant, possessive, jealous and controlling person. In the dramatic lyric, “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning, the Duke becomes carried away with talking about a painting of his Last Duchess by Fra Pandolf. He reveals to the Counts envoy that he gave the command to kill his wife, because he could not express to her how he felt about the way she acted towards other men. Browning uses dramatic monologue, rhyme couplets, enjambment, and stanza in “My Last Duchess” to reveal the controlling thoughts of a jealous, controlling, and arrogant Duke who killed his wife. The Duke reveals to the representative of the Count that his wife treated all men the same when she should place him above everyone else. His jealousy leads him to be paranoid, and accused her of having an affair. Brown developed the form of dramatic monologue, and he puts words in the mouths of characters who were conspicuously nasty, weak, reckless, or crazy. For example, the Duke of Ferrara exposes his psychological state of paranoia, jealousy, desire of power, and arrogance as he talks to the envoy of the Count whose daughter he intends to marry about the last Duchess portrait. the Duke says, ‘That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall, looking as if she were alive. I call That piece a wonder, now” (Kennedy & Gioia, Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing, 2016, p.35). The Duke is addressing an audience thought the poem, but the listener never responds to his questions. The type of structure Browning uses are rhyme couplets, long stanza, and enjambment to show the Duke’s control and lack of control of his thoughts. “Rhyme couplets have two lines, and each line is about the same length. In a couplet, each line of a couplet ends with a word that rhymes with the previous or next line. The poem will have similar words in the stanza. A rhyme scheme is recurrent pattern of rime within an individual poem or fixed form. A rime scheme is usually described by using small letters to stand for each end rhyme” (Kennedy & Gioia, Literature: An Introduction to

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