
Elizabeth Browning Research Paper

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The Victorian Age consisted of many poets using death as the main topic of their poems. Most deaths during this Age occurred at home and the mortality rate was much higher than it is in our time. Most of the deceased stayed in their homes until the burial. Some were not burried for a week, which made the poorer people of the Age have to stay in a room with the deceased for a week or more. Poets like Elizabeth Barret Browning and Robert Browning were influenced by the death of their love ones during this Age of time. The Victorian Age consisted of high mortality rates, lost loved ones, and many years of grief for the deceased. Elizabeth Browning was one of the most widely read and known poets of the day. In the poem “Sonnet 28” notice it is not in iambic pentameter. When it came to love Elizabeth felt like there were no rules. In this poem Elizabeth says the letter are dead, that they are nothing …show more content…

At the age of twelve Browning sent a collection of poems off to a magazine editor, which were rejected. Once rejected Browning decided to start a career as a poet, writing poetry that is still read today. One of Browning poems “My Last Duchess” starts off by introducing that the Duke is talking to an ambassador from another nobleman while staring at a picture of his deceased wife. The Duke goes on to say how he wants to arrange another marriage. While reading this poem, the reader may start to understand that this marriage was not a happy one. Browning goes on to say some of the things that made the Duchess happy in her life, “The dropping of daylight in the West,/The bough of cherries some officious fool/Broke in the orchard for her, the white mule.” A metaphor the narrator uses to describe the Dukes problem on wanting to control everyone is a sculpture of Neptune taming a sea horse. In the end, the reader starts to understand that the Duke killed his wife because he could not contain

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