
My Last Duchess By Robert Browning Essay

Decent Essays

My last duchess by Robert Browning Quote Analysis
My Last Duchess by Robert Browning is a mysterious monologue about a duke who is showing a portrait of his former wife or last duchess to a visitor at his palace. While showing this portrait of his former wife, the duke begins to demean the duchess character and their life together. Although the duke is very well spoken and chooses his words carefully as he describes the duchess, he ends up reveling more about himself than his last duchess. By doing so, he reveals that she had been a lovely, kindhearted woman, while he himself is cruel, jealous, proud, and arrogant.
The first two lines of the poem introduces us to the main topic of the duke speech and gives the reader a hint that there’s seems to be something wrong “That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive” the reader begins to suspect that the duchess is no longer alive. Browning uses clever language in theses lines of the poem to foreshadow that the duke assassinated the duchess, in which later on in the poem the reader realizes that he did so. In lines 45, 46, and 47 the following is written, “This grew; I gave commands; then all smiles stopped together. There she stands as if alive” The reader comes to the conclusion that the duke assassinated the duchess, illustrating that the duke is a cruel man who will give the command to get ride of whatever disturbs him, in this case the duchess. But, what did the duchess do that disturbed him so

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