
Cause And Effects Of Distracted Driving

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For car drivers out on the road, whether it is to school, work, or any other activity, there is a dangerous threat. The danger is held in most drivers’ hands. The danger is a cell phone. In 2013, doctors Lee, Champagne, and Francescutti reported that distraction driving was the cause for about 80% of all car crashes (Victoria, 2013). Drivers today are not careful enough behind the wheel, for many use their phones and feel comfortable about using their phone. Although that may be the case, using a cell phone while driving is extremely dangerous, and is usually caused by possession attachment and addiction to the phone. Cell phone use is prevalent among citizens of the United States of America. According to Jacksonville State University professors …show more content…

Today, many persons own a cell phone and do multiple tasks on the phone. Whether it is texting, calling, or checking emails, people today are addicted to their phone. This tends to cause drivers to use their phone while driving, for they feel the need to be connected at all times. Doctor Stephen S. O’Connor along with many other doctors conducted a survey about phone use and driving, and the doctors reported that there were many symptoms that associated with one another. The symptoms were characteristics of impulsivity, problematic alcohol use, and anxiety (O’Connor, 2013). These characteristics are strong and can lead to distracted driving. The impulse characteristic may kick in when one does not use their phone for a while or who feel the need to stay connected. This leads to a hard to break temptation to use their phone for a quick second. In addition to the impulse characteristic, anxiety is another factor for distracted driving. One may feel anxious to use their phone to check for new messages or anticipated phone calls. When a driver is anticipating a message or phone call, some of their attention goes to their phone when it should all be focused on the road. Even though the driver is not physically using the phone, he or she is distracted from the road, for he or she is listening for a notification …show more content…

The two professors conducted a study and found that talking on the phone causes no decrease in driving performance. Talking on the cell phone had no performance difference as compared to listening to the radio or talking to a passenger (Strayer, 2001). Even though drivers are using their cell phone while driving, there is no decrease in driving performance by simply talking on the phone. There is no decrease in performance probably because the driver may still be able to keep his or her eyes on the road, constantly paying attention to signs, traffic, and traffic signals. The attention to the road leads to safe driving, for the driver is aware of the

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