
Character Analysis Of Zora Neale Hurston's Spunk

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Character Analysis of Joe Kanty from Spunk by Zora Neale Hurston The short story, “Spunk”, written in 1920 by famous author, Zora Neale Hurston of Eatonville, FL, contains many characters but there’s only one that I find to be very amazing, Mr. Joe Kanty. A member of the Harlem Renaissance, author and folklorist, Zora Neale Hurston, constructed many of her works like: “The Gilded Six-Bits”, “Spunk”, and “Their Eyes were watching God,” during the Civil Rights movement to help fuel the setting and purpose of her stories. In the short story, “Spunk”, Mr. Joe’s characters’ transitions or changes to help portray the hero and bravery him. Three character traits that determine Joe’s behavior or inner self throughout the story relates from him being loving and fearful to him becoming revengeful.
Joe Kanty is very loving and kind hearted to his wife, Lena, because he loves her. The following article, “Love and lust are among the most instinctive emotions experienced by human beings”, clearly states the type of bond that Joe has towards Lena which is a loving bond that some people will never possess (Kwon, Han 1). However, Lena is insanely in love with her mistress, Mr. Spunk, whom is capable of getting whatever he wants or wishes, because of the fear he places in others hearts. Love makes individuals react a certain way to situations which is why Joe decides to follow Mr. Spunk and Ms. Lena from the lounging general store to try and win his love back. With the help of narrators,

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