
Child Protection Is Important Part Of Good Practice

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Child protection is protecting children from physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect. It also means that it is our job to ensure children grow up into confident, healthy and happy adults.
Child protection is an important part of good practice in early years settings, schools and out-of-school services. You may work together in a team or alone if you are a nannie or a foster career, we all have an important role to play to ensure that every child, regardless of their age, gender, religion or ethnicity, can be protected from harm.

It 's important to have a knowledge about child abuse and how to recognise the signs. It is just as important to know the correct procedures to protect the child and yourself. Having these procedures and policies in childcare settings ensures that children are protected from adults and other children who are posing a risk.

Safeguarding is protecting children from abuse or malnutrition, preventing harm to the child 's health or development, making sure children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care and taking the correct action to ensure children have the best possible outcomes. Children must be protected from harm, whether this harm is accidental, deliberate abuse, neglect or things like bullying, prejudice attitudes or exclusion of a student from taking part in activities that peers can.

The wider concept of safeguarding is taking risk assessments to ensure the environment is a safe place, making sure you follow the

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