
Chronic Periodontitis And Its Effects On The Adults And Adults Essay

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Chronic periodontitis has been identified as the most prevalent form of periodontitis affecting the adults and occasionally the adolescents and children.(Merin, 2015) This periodontal disease of inflammatory origin is thought to be the result of host immune response against bacterial colonies in the subgingival plaque.(Merin, 2015) In many cases, systemic and environmental factors play a significant role in the disease progression. Common risk factors such as uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and smoking, contribute to periodontal destruction in genetically susceptible individuals by modifying the host’s immune reactions towards periodontal pathogens. Clinically, the diagnosis of chronic periodontitis is made based on the presence of supragingival and subgingival plaque and calculus, signs of gingival inflammation, periodontal attachment loss and radiographic bone loss. Chronic periodontitis can be further classified based on the extent and severity of periodontal destruction. Localised chronic periodontitis is diagnosed when less than 30% of the sites are affected; whereas the generalised form of the disease affects more than 30% of the sites. The severity of the disease is determined by the amount of clinical attachment loss. It is classified as mild, moderate or severe when 1-2mm, 3-4mm or 5mm or more attachment loss is recorded respectively. (Merin, 2015) The treatment of chronic periodontitis involves a sequence of therapeutic procedures, which is termed periodontal

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