
Essay On Periodontal Disease

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Treatment of periodontal disease can be broadly divided into two, non-surgical and surgical. Longitudinal comparison between non-surgical and surgical therapy had been studied extensively by groups of researchers, namely the Gothenburg, the Michigan, the Minnesota, the Nebraska, and the Arizona group. There are some heterogeneities between studies from different groups. Some studies focused on single rooted teeth, while others included molars. Majority of the studies are done in a university setting, while the Arizona study was done in private practices. From the Gothenburg group, Lindhe et al., carried out a 14 year follow up of 61 out of initially 75 patients after active treatment of advanced periodontal disease, being defined as …show more content…

The author concluded that with regular periodontal maintenance, removal of root surface accretion for better periodontal tissue attachment was more important than any surgical procedures. From the Minnesota group, Pihlstrom et al., studied on 453 teeth, including molar teeth, of 17 patients with moderate to advanced periodontitis. In the study, scaling and root planing was done, and one maxillary and one mandibular quadrant of each patient received modified Widman flap. Patients were under regular periodontal maintenance for a follow up to 6 ½ years. They found that in shallow pockets (1-3mm depth), there was loss of clinical attachments, and this is consistent with other studies; For pockets with 4-6mm depth, both non-surgical and surgical methods were equally effective in pocket depth reduction, although scaling and root planing had slightly greater clinical attachment level gain; in deep (>7mm) pockets, scaling and root planing showed pocket depth reduction for 3 years, modified Widman flap showed longer reduction for up to 6 ½ years, and both treatments showed effective attachment gain. Although the non-molar teeth tended to respond more favorable, the results indicated that both treatments were effective in treating periodontitis and maintenance of clinical attachment levels on molar and non-molar teeth. From the Minnesota group, Kaldahl et al., included 82

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