
Core Concepts Of Quality And Associated Academic Theory

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The history of quality movement can be traced back to medieval Europe (American Society for Quality , 2016) but fundamental quality processes and practices came into effect in the early 20th century. In the 1920’s statistical theory began to be applied effectively to quality control and by the 1950’s quality management practices were developing rapidly in Japan’s manufacturing market, becoming fully embedded in industry in Europe and the USA by the 1980’s (Department of Trade and Industry, n.d.). But what is quality? Although there are many re-occurring themes, quality means different things to different people and there are many variations on the academic interpretation of quality. The subject of this assignment will be to investigate the …show more content…

But is a little vague, this could relate to a number of characteristics for example reliability and cost when in relation to products, or accessibility and efficiency in relation to the services sector. The Chartered Quality Institute believes quality is about “making organisations perform for their stakeholders – from improving products, services, systems and processes, to making sure that the whole organisation is fit and effective” (Chartered Quality Institute, 2016) This definition of quality is specific and up to date with today’s requirements of the application of quality. This definition demonstrates Feigenbaum’s (1961) idea that quality is from the cradle to the grave and also addresses stakeholders. This could be the customer of a product, or client of a service for example a patient in a hospital. Comparatively this definition of quality is more rounded than the ISO and Dictionary definitions and encompasses the idea of satisfying the customer and constant improvement. Constant improvement and customer satisfaction is a common theme within the principles of many philosophers of quality. The contribution of quality innovators have made contemporary quality what it is today by developing and deploying new frameworks and techniques. (Rose, 2005). One of the earliest pioneers of quality was Dr. William Edwards Deming. Deming, born in 1900, was an eminent scholar and teacher in American academia and was considered by many to be the master of continual

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