
E Cigarettes Are Beneficial For Smokers

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E-cigarettes are beneficial for smokers and they can be used as alternatives for people who don’t want to quit smoking. Smokers can have same pleasure with less harm. Pearson, J. L., Richardson, A., Niaura, R. S., Vallone, D. M., & Abrams, D. B. (2012). E-Cigarette Awareness, Use, and Harm Perceptions in US Adults. American Journal Of Public Health, 102(9), 1758-1766 9p. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300526 PhDs Pearson, J. L., Richardson, A., Niaura, R. S., Vallone, D. M., and Abrams, D. B wrote a journal article on American Journal of Public Health in 2012 and conducted an online survey to find out the awareness of e-cigarettes among people. The result is that most people have heard of e-cigarettes, which are used by millions of smokers. They think e-cigarettes are less harmful than normal cigarettes, but they consume more e-cigarettes with that interpretation. I can use the source to prove that most people are aware of e-cigarettes and young adults are more likely to smoke e-cigarettes. Even though e-cigarettes have less toxic contaminants, they are still harmful to humans’ health. E-cigarettes are better than tobaccos; however, they can still harm one’s health if he or she consumes e-cigarettes too much. The Rise of E-Cigarettes: Harmful or Harm-Reducing?. (2015). RT: The Journal for Respiratory Care Practitioners, 28(6), 16-19 4p. The article written on The Journal for Respiratory Care Practitioners in 2015 introduces that e-cigarettes become more and more popular among

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