
Effect Of Adding Family Therapy

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Article 2 Godart, Berthoz, Curt, Perdereau, Rein, Wallier, Horreard, Kaganski, Lucet, Atger, Corcos, Fermanian, Falissard, Flament, Eisler, and Jeammet (2012) seek to understand the effect of adding Family Therapy (FT) sessions to treatment procedures that are offered to inpatients. The literature review effectively outlines the limitations of previous research. For instance, although FT has been praised by past research, its impact on the inpatient population for AN has been overlooked (Godart et al., 2012). Another discrepancy is whether FT should focus on strengthening relationships within a family or adjusting the attitude that the family may have on weight and food that may be pressuring the child; the authors vouch for the first …show more content…

The average age was 16.6 years. All women had a diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa as indicated by DSM-IV and never received FT prior to the study. Patients and family were informed of the study when admitted to impatient care. Unfortunately, the sample size is quite small and there is a gender bias. This study only generalizes its results to females in their teens and early twenties who are hospitalized in inpatient care. Randomization does not occur in the sample selection. Variables and research methods Godart et al., (2012) randomly divided the participants into two groups each consisting of 30 people. The independent variable was the inclusion of FT to TAU. This modification to treatment was measured by the of outcome status in terms of “good,” “intermediate,” and “poor.” Underneath these categories lie various factors, such as body mass index (BMI), menstrual status, and presence of eating disorder behaviors symptoms (Godart et al., 2012).. The control group consisted of patients who received only the typical treatment provided by the facility. Treatment as usual included patient consultation, parent interviews, and individual psychotherapy. A team approach was utilized; patients were assigned a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, dietician, and social worker to guide them and monitor progress. Parental involvement in TAU was not as active as in family

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